Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Driving question

My driving question is, "How are captions important to the story telling ability of photos?"

I had a hard time finding an anchor video for the subject my teacher wants me to talk about. This video is the closest I could find, though it is very long and dry.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Power Standard

Since my teaching specializations are journalism and library, I had a difficult time trying to track down a power standard that would actually fit my subject areas. The Power Standards site only had a blank spot where journalism standards would go, and none for library, so I decided to look at English standards for the sake of this blog post.

I decided to focus on Power Standard RLA.O.11.2.10, which states that students should: "use proofreading and editing strategies to correct errors in and improve organization, content, usage and mechanics. In the editing process integrate print and electronic tools". The examples include spell check, grammar check, thesaurus, dictionary, style sheet or guide, or readability score.

This doesn't directly go with the lesson I had in mind (caption writing!), it is still important for students in journalism classes to be well aware of proofreading and editing processes. The only lesson plan that was in the 11th grade range and went along with proofreading that I could find on the sites we were given in class was a project entitled "And I Quote: A Punctuation Proofreading Minilesson". Since it's just a minilesson, it could easily be integrated with other lesson plans as just a way to reinforce proper grammar (and be a segue to introduce AP style).

Since I have so few students (only library assistants at the moment, though the plan is to do this project with her yearbook students), there isn't really a struggling student.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Multiple Intelligences

When I took a multiple intelligence assessment test, I discovered that my three strongest intelligences are social (which is interesting since I'm quiet and don't care for group work), language, and musical. To encourage people with a high social intelligence score, team work is crucial. Some suggestions from the website to help these students are activities such as setting up interviews with family members (or other students, for that matter)and interviewing them, then writing down the answers; reading a dialogue or play with classmates; and doing team learning/projects. Group discussions would also benefit these students since they learn from interactions.