Monday, November 15, 2010

WebQuest about WebQuests

For this class period, we did a “WebQuest about WebQuests” and ranked them in accordance to which one is the most thorough and which is not as complete of a WebQuest.
I ranked mine in accordance from worst to best.

1. Waves & Sound
2. Saving the Gorillas
3. Foreign Country Presentation
4. World of Shakespeare
5. Anti-Earthquake Designer

The Anti-Earthquake Designer is the most thorough because it has complete instructions and job descriptions, as well as pictures of what will happen, while the Waves and Sounds WebQuest is very vague.

I believe this would fall under NETS standard 5, substandard c, which states that teachers should "evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning." This is true in the case of this activity, because we had to evaluate creations by other professionals in order to establish the caliber of WebQuest that we want to complete.

We followed the activity up by using a visual ranking tool provided by Intel, in order to compare the results of different groups. We broke down into 6 groups and compared and contrasted our answers.

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