Monday, February 7, 2011

Where I'm From Photostory


  1. You did a good job! I watched this video on youtube last night! I really liked how you used multiple pictures per slide!

  2. Jessica your story definitly reminded me of our school days together from elementary school to highschool. Your family is close and big like mine, and got to love hanging out at valley falls. I liked how you added in the east west game, that definitly full of memories. Great job!

  3. I really liked your video. I liked your pictures and I liked how you had them arranged on the slides in diagonals. I thought it made them more visually interesting. It reminded me of my family because I always fought with my brother, too. And I really like those peanut butter cookies too.

  4. Jessica, I am soo glad I got to see your photo story!! I love that you made it rhyme, and of course we have East/West games in common. I love the music and the transitions of your slides.

  5. I really liked your show. The music was a cool change up from what would typically be expected in a video about growing up in West Virginia, that's meant as a positive not a negative, I thought it was really great. I liked that you posted multiple images on each slide. The onlything that I might even consider changing is the length of time spent on each slide. Because of text location changing from slide to slide and so many eye distractions with all of the images, there were a couple of times I had some difficulty locating and reading the text while also getting to look over the images. This is a very minor complaint. Great job!
