Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Where I'm From

I’m from wide, muddy rivers, and mountains so high,
That frame sunshiney days and a gorgeous starry night sky

From extended family, plus Dawsons and Erdies,
And going to school at the “Home of the Bees”

I’m from the peanut butter blossom cookies grandma likes to bake,
Plus the thick chocolate fudge Aunt Jenny told me how to make

I’m from watching the sunset come through my favorite tree,
From friends who came as strangers but became a second family

I’m from taking in stray cats I was never supposed to name,
And when everyone got together for the big East/West game

From the bus stop and roads hard to navigate in the snow,
And travelling around for "Warped Tour" and an anticipated screamo show

I'm from a family of two kids with an eight year age difference,
I feel bad for all the fights to which my mom has had to listen

I’m from sleepovers, music trips and Ninja Turtle nights,
And somehow never really learning how to ride a bike

I am from the “friendliest city” that you’ll ever see,
From the college church group where God became real to me

From home grown tomatoes and thick “Stanley sweet tea”,
And a land so wide open it’s hard not to feel free

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