Thursday, October 14, 2010


For today's (virtual) synchronous class, we completed the activity of creating a Batchgeo table in two steps. The first step for the activity was to complete a googledoc by filling in columns with information such as our addresses, phone numbers and other personal information. The second step, creating a map via Batchgeo, was done by pasting the information from the spreadsheet into their formatting option. This then allows you to create a map with the information given.

This activity demonstrates NETS Standard 3, substandard a, which says that teachers should demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations. Since one of my specializations is school library media, one way to use this website in the classroom would be to choose a book that has been banned in many places and use Batchgeo to see on the map if there is a certain area (for example, the midwest), that bans the book more than other geographic areas.

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